Hair Care Routine!

Hi, guys
A lot, like literally a lot of you have been asking us about our hair care products and trust me this post has been in the pipeline for a very long time so we apologize for the delay and hope that this post answers all of your questions!

I’d start from the type of hair we both have;

I, Hira, have straight hair naturally and my hair tends to get oily from the crown pretty quickly which means that i can’t skip washing my hair for more than a day and that’s how it should be for everyone as washing your hair daily is quite harmful if you keep in mind the amount of chemicals that are present in the shampoo and conditioners we use.

Hemayal on the other hand is blessed with curly hair and they’re more on the dry side.

We’ve been asked about the hair…

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Thin Ice



I began the new course late and the first subject was Bede, a monk and scholar at a Northumbrian monastery who wrote The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. THE least exciting book title I had ever heard. I’d missed all the lectures up until then but, for the first essay, I took a few books out of the library and began a tedious read. It was no use as the monastic prose was so boring. I couldn’t concentrate for even half an hour at a time. My small student room was about three metres square with a desk near the door and single bed by the window overlooking a small car park.

I shouldn’t have been there. Not then, not ever. I wasn’t meant to be in that place. But I didn’t know what to do in life. I had no money and couldn’t see any future. I was alone…

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