“And so it Begins…” Real life & Real Estate:

By the Mighty Mumford

Over the past several weeks I’ve been contemplating what I wanted this blog to look like, feel like, who I wanted it to relate to and how I wanted it to resonate. I spent four years writing blogs for other people and businesses as the owner of Cornerstone Marketing and Advertising. That came easy to […]

via And So It Begins — Real Life & Real Estate

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Why You Should Work A Retail Job At Least Once In Your Lifetime

Okay, now I know some of you are reading this right now thinking to yourselves, how can she say this. A month ago I would have thought the same thing, but there are life long lessons that you can learn from working in retail. Now I am not saying you will love it…no shade to those who do, but working retail has made me a better person.

Working in retail:

  1. YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO HAVE PATIENCE: Most retail jobs will require you to work with people from all walks of life but this will help you later on down the line. Growing up as a young adult, you may feel like the world revolves around you, but retail forces you to put the needs of others before yourself.
  2. YOU WILL BE MOTIVATED: If you ever go through a period in your life where you may feel unmotivated then retail…

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One-Liner Wednesday – Maddie’s Request

No Facilities

Maddie and I usually walk on Saturday and Sunday. She often walks with the Editor during the week, but then they fall into their normal routine. I should add that their normal routine doesn’t include me barging in, slamming opening and closing doors, toggling lights, responding to sounds on my phone or yelling for asking the Editor to come out to the garage and look at something. Their normal routine is busy, but quiet.

By the end of a normal weekend, Maddie is tired. She often sleeps quite a bit on Monday. But, not this Monday. This was a holiday and since I had taken Thursday and Friday off, it was the fifth day in a row that I was home. Sunday was a washout, but Labor Day came with the request (Maddie’s) and promise of a walk.

I’m not sure Maddie was really up for it. Midway around the…

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